User created contentIf you have an existing account, please click Forgot Password? or Forgot Username? which is located under the Log In Button.
For additional support with logging in, contact the District 54 portal support desk at Support is available from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you leave a message, you will receive a response during those business hours.
Portal support will respond to emails typically within one business day, but responses may be delayed during busy times of the year such as opening of school and end of terms.
When contacting support please help us better resolve your portal questions in a timely manner and be sure to include all of the following information:
Your Name:
Student(s) Name:
School(s) your child attends:
Parent Portal Username:
Email address on file:
Please note that email contact is preferred for security, documentation and accuracy purposes.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s grades or other information, please contact your child’s school.
Si tiene una cuenta existente, haga clic en ¿Olvidó su contraseña? o ¿Olvidó el nombre de usuario? que se encuentra debajo del botón Iniciar sesión.
Para mejores resultados , le recomendamos revisar este sitio web utilizando un explorador de internet 8 o mayor, o safari 5 o mayor.
Para ayuda adicional para ingresar, contacte al departamento de ayuda del Portal del Distrito 54 al Ayuda disponible de 7:30 a.m. a 3:30 p.m. lunes a viernes. Si deja mensaje, usted recibirá respuesta durante horas hábiles de oficina.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o preocupación acerca de los grados de su hijo o alguna otra información, por favor contacte a la escuela de su hijo.